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Rev. Dr. Henry Lee Bates - Archived Messages

Rev. Bates' "Tribute to Rev. Ike" 

                      I have to admit that I was taken by surprise by Rev. Ike's (Rev. Frederick J. Eikerenkoetter II) transition on Tuesday (July 28, 2009).  In the past couple of weeks I had been listening to his prosperity presentations on YouTube.com and so he was very much alive in my mind.  The New York Times' Christopher Lehman-Haukpt, referred to him as the "flamboyant minister who preached the blessings of material prosperity" ... and this is true, but in a very positive way.  Rev. Ike was an original, and he expressed his uniqueness through his sermons to millions of people on television and radio.  He was the first minister to embrace television, becoming the first tele-evangelist.  The New York Times article states:  “Close your eyes and see green,” Reverend Ike would tell his 5,000 parishioners from a red-carpeted stage at the former Loew’s film palace on 175th Street in Washington Heights, the headquarters of his United Church Science of Living Institute. “Money up to your armpits, a roomful of money and there you are, just tossing around in it like a swimming pool."

       NY Times: "Because of his emphasis on material self-fulfillment, Reverend Ike alienated many traditional Christian ministers as well as leaders of the civil rights movement, who believed black churches should further social reform."  But, traditional was not Rev. Ike's style, and the only social reform he was interested in was lifting people out of poverty and financial struggle into prosperity and success.  He would tell his audience and students, "The more you begin to appreciate the good you have, the more good you will have to appreciate."  This is a restatement of the same teaching of the Master Mind Jesus ... only, Jesus went further and stated that if you don't appreciate what you have, you will lose it.  "Whatever ideas you have in your head are what you are going to get in life," Rev. Ike stated, once again, restating a passage from Proverbs and a principle taught by Jesus.

Like the science of mind, Rev. Ike did not teach that we can get something for nothing:  "Give your mind a purpose, and your mind power will lead you to the fulfillment." - "Push on - keep moving!" - "The business of life is to go forward." - "God helps them that help themselves." - "Through you, the infinite Power of God becomes definite.  It is not enough for God to be infinite; the Infinite must also be definite." - "God didn't give Jesus anything He didn't give to you." - "The somebody that you need to lean on is your Self, your Divine Self, God-in-you." - "The same Presence of God that was in Jesus is in you.  The same Power of God that was in Jesus is in you."  And the Master Mind Jesus would agree with Rev. Ike, for he said, "these things I do, and greater things still, shall you do." (John 14:12)

      "Get excited about the fact that God is in you," Rev. Ike told his audiences, "If you want to experience the sweetness of life, you have to let your attitude toward life be, "How sweet it is!"  And the traditional ministers would cringe.  But, Rev. Ike was teaching the same spiritual truth written throughout the Bible ... but, he was making it personal to his audience, just as the Master Mind Jesus did!

      "No man is poor.  I don't care what the "Cost of Living Index" says.  I don't care what the unemployment figures say.  No man is poor.  There are no poor people, only people who are not aware of the riches of God within," declared Rev. Ike.  "Deep within the heart of everyone, God has put the ability to be, to do, and to have the goodness of life, the riches of life.  The truth of me, the truth of you, the truth of everyone is that, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want."  (Psalms 23:1)  This is what the Master Jesus meant when he said, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."  (John 8:32) ... "When you know the truth that God is in you, when you know that good is in you, you are free.  Unfortunately, the fact that God is in man is one of the best kept secrets in the universe.  This is why I love to tell people, "God is in you."  Many times when I speak to thousands and I suggest this, I see that it just shocks people."

From Dennis McLellan, Los Angeles Times:  "Rev. Ike's opulent lifestyle -- he was given at one point to wearing a gold watch, a silver-and-diamond tie pin, a silver bracelet and a large gold ring studded with more than a dozen diamonds -- was supported by millions of dollars in contributions to his church. ... "I am the first black man in America to preach positive self-image psychology to the black masses within a church setting," he told The Times in 1976. ... That year, his church owned 16 Rolls-Royces for his use, as well as an undisclosed number of Mercedes-Benzes, Bentleys and other cars. (As he once put it, "My garages runneth over.") ... There were six church-owned residences for Rev. Ike, who at the time spent much of the winter in Southern California. ... The multimillion-dollar empire that Rev. Ike built reportedly withstood various investigations, including by the IRS and U.S. Postal Service."
     "The enjoyment of good increases and multiplies the good," was a fundamental principle that Rev. Ike taught.
  And his life reflected this principle that can be realized by everyone.  As my very dear friend, Rev. Irene Danon wrote to me about Rev. Ike: "Now there was a man who had a high money consciousness.  He was not afraid or ashamed to drive a nice big car, wear jewelry, dress well, etc.  The more he liked it, and accepted it, the more he got!

     Rev. Ike's message was very simple, his delivery was eloquent and enthusiastic ... and sometimes shocking to people because he was unlike any other minister:  "Between here and the pearly gates, you need some money, honey!"


Keep the faith!
Rev. Dr. Henry Lee Bates

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Living the Way to a Wonderful LIfe



"I have been all things unholy.  If God can work through me, He can work
through anyone." 
St. Francis of Assisi