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  evolutionary science of mind & the teachings of the Master Mind Jesus

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         Dr. Robert H. Bitzer ( 1896 - 1994) Founder and Spiritual Director of  the Hollywood Church of Religious Science, was a Master Teacher of Metaphysics and Religious Science.  I am very happy to present some of his work so that it may benefit the "world consciousness."  Dr. Bitzer's heritage can be found in his teaching of Principle with absolute authority.  One of the most valuable lessons in his book, "Collected Essays Of Robert Bitzer," is the documentation of his own personal demonstrations and how he used the Law of Mind to create a successful and prosperous life filled with accomplishment and service to the world.

Dr. Bitzer began his ministry at the landmark Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel and Rev Bates followed in his footsteps presenting his "The Way To A Wonderful Life" message initially at the Roosevelt in the Hollywood Room before establishing his independent work in Palm Springs, California.

Dr. Bitzer's Hollywood Church of Religious Science building was sold in September, 2005, and the name was changed to The Science Of Mind Center of Hollywood, and then changed again to the Science of Mind Spiritual Center Los Angeles, heralding the end of this church which was once considered the Hallmark Church in the Religious Science Movement.  This building was a prominent landmark on Sunset Boulevard for 72 years.  This new name represents a new beginning for this organization and we can know that all is in Divine right action.  The photo at left was taken by Dr. Bitzer himself.  

"Decisions give Life meaning.  Your growth is the result of your conscious decisions.  They represent how you are directing your creativeness.  Adjusting yourself to situations over which you have no control does not bring spiritual growth.  Such experience would develop tolerance, patience, and forbearance; but it merely accepts the status quo and disallows your opportunity for conscious choice." ... Dr. Robert H. Bitzer, Collected Essays

click here for Free e-book "All Power To You" by Dr. Robert H. Bitzer


by Dr. Robert Bitzer
     Creative Mind is always creative.  That is the law of its own being.  It does not know that when we think thoughts of despair and entertain fear we do not desire it to create these conditions.  But it must obey our thought.  Since we have the power to choose that which we shall think we can reject the thought which we do not want to objectify and consciously choose the thoughts which will create the type experience which we desire.

     This choice must be backed up by conviction.  We must get the feeling of our thought objectifying.  It is this conviction, or feeling, that gives thought its power.  Our negative thoughts sometimes carry stronger emotional feelings than out positive thoughts.  Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate strong feeling regarding our constructive desire.  As we think about it and mentally live that which we desire to express, our conviction about it will grow.  Feeling gives thought the warmth necessary for gestation.

     The more we cultivate strong emotional feelings such as joy, enthusiasm and zeal, the greater power we will give to our word.  Through choice of words we control our optimism and good cheer.  We can expect things to work out right.  We can anticipate good.  In this way we discover the law of right action always operating to fulfill our positive, constructive word.  As we think at the center of our being, where all is good, our power assumes form.  Positive-ness is the only law of being.  Thus our constructive word comes to fruition.
             - Robert H. Bitzer
Dr. Robert Bitzer - Meditation in Thankfulness & Power of Purpose |
Click here for "Be BIG" by Dr. Robert Bitzer also ALL POWER TO YOU |

          From Dr. Robert H. Bitzer - May, 1994
         The time to act is when you get an idea.  Ideas do not appear at random or as casual experiences.  Each idea has a pattern, a design and a plan.  When it appears, learn to act on it quickly.  To ignore it or postpone it is to deprive it of its power.  To be effective the idea requires instant acceptance on your part because it may involve a time element.  Perhaps it cannot be fulfilled for a week or on a certain date.  Don’t let that deceive you.  When it appears you either accept it or reject it.

Although you may not think you can act on it on its due date, the moment you receive it is the time for action.  Therefore, affirm this new project idea as acceptable by you this moment – that it is established in Divine Principle and that everything necessary for complete fulfillment is included now – this very moment.

     Neglecting to take this affirmative, instantaneous action of acceptance can result in all sorts of delays.  The immediacy of the idea’s creativity can be delayed only by you.  Lack of recognition is a neutralizing power.  Don’t let this happen to you.  It is not necessary to know how the idea is going to be fulfilled, but it is necessary to know that Divine Principle knows how, and includes that “know-how” as it is revealed to you and unfolded in your consciousness.  Keep your acceptance current.

Rev. Bates Blog: http://livingthesom.blogspot.com

Also recommended: 

Dr. Holmes:  Law of Our Lives | Brave New World | The Open Mind |
                    | The Authority of the Soul |
Dr. Joseph Murphy | Charles Fillmore | Emmet Fox
                               Wallace D. Wattles

Contact Rev. Dr. Henry Lee Bates

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