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The Way to a Wonderful Life Message for December 7,  2014

           There is an "inner light" within everyone and as we turn to this light within and expect to find something ... an answer to a problem, a greater sense of peace or just a realization that everything will be alright .. we will never be disappointed as we do so.  For many of us we may have to "turn within" many times before we align our heart and mind to be in tune with this light and receive a response ... a flash of an idea ... a feeling that all is well ... a peace that surpasses all understanding.  But as we seek we shall find and reveal a part of our nature that contains an unlimited potential to serve us ... everyone of us.

         This is what the mystical Ernest Holmes, an American mystic, teacher, master of theology and author of numerous spiritual books tells us about the light from his own personal philosophy:  "In flashes of illumination, the inspired have see into the very center of Reality, and have brought back with them a distinct impression of what they have seen and felt.  A glimpse of this Reality, illumines the whole being with a flood of light.  Every mystic has had this experience.  Jesus was the greatest of all mystics; and once, at least, after a period of illumination, his face was so bright his followers could not look upon it.  In moments of deepest realization, the great mystics have sensed that One Life flows through All; and that All are some part of that Life.  They have also seen Substance, a fine, white, brilliant Stuff, forever falling into everything; a Substance indestructible and eternal.  At times, the realization has been so complete that they have been actually blinded by the light.  Light was the first great revelation of Divine Creative Energy that called all living things into being . . . "Let there be light and there was light."  There is healing light in the rays of the sun, which we term a physical light; there is healing power in the wonderful high-powered lamps, but how much greater is the healing power which Jesus recognized in himself and in others!  "I am the light of the world; he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."  ". . . I have set thee to be a light . . ."  "He that loveth his brother abideth in the light."  ". . . the sons of God, without rebuke . . . ye shine as lights in the world."

        Let us remind ourselves that a "mystic" is one who has an inner sense of Life beyond that which is seen and feels the Presence of Something beyond our physical senses.  I believe that all spiritual seekers tap into the mystic within them either consciously or unconsciously.  It is a normal and natural reaction to spiritual study, meditation, contemplation and mental imagery caused by a creative use of our imagination.  Our mystical realizations have nothing to do with being psychic, although there are psychics who are mystics.  As we read in the scriptures, "all that is unseen shall be seen" ... that is when our mind is open and receptive to the Great UnSeen.

       Light has been perceived throughout history and contained in the ancient wisdom in various references:  Proverbs 20:27 "The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord ..." In this reference we understand that the light that is referred to is "intelligence" ... that is, G-d expressing Intelligence through mankind.  Another reference from Proverbs 4:18 "But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day."  As we draw upon Intelligence we shall be guided to be just, understanding and compassionate and these qualities are all reflected in our contact with others.  And this is the truth for all of us.  Who doesn't think that life is more marvelous when the right ides come to our awareness, the answers to our problems, and the intelligence to make good decisions for ourselves? 

       Whether we find our joy in the light of Truth or just begin to see things in a new light, we are using the Intelligence of the Infinite Mind/Spirit.  There is a great rejoicing within our heart and soul when we can say "I see the light that leads me out of the darkness."  Everyone desires to live without darkness in their lives; depression, illness, financial lack and worry.  As we seek the Light within us we shall discover its revealing and healing power to dissolve the darkness in all its forms.  As we can read in the ancient wisdom:  Ecclesiastes 11:7
"Truly the light is sweet ..."


Keep the faith!
. Henry Bates

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"spiritual ... not religious"

"Even God could not have created a perfect individual.  We must go
through the experiences of evolution." -
Dr. Ernest Holmes

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