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  • God is Absolute Good, everywhere present.
  • Every human being is an expression of the divine; the Christ Spirit, by whatever name, indwells all people. Their very essence is of God, and therefore they are also inherently good.

  • Human beings create their experience by the activity of their thinking. Everything in the manifest realm has its beginning in thought.

  • Prayer is creative thinking that heightens the connection with God-mind and therefore brings forth wisdom, healing, prosperity and everything good.

  • Knowing and understanding the laws of life, also called Truth, are not enough. A person must also live the Truth that he or she knows.

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Weekly Message for September 9, 2018


         “It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

            I have always been attracted to people who do not live to the world's opinions.  There was a time when life could be very challenging for those who lived outside of the norms of society.  But, those who have done so have made some of the greatest contributions to the world. 

            We have realized that words have power.  And so do feelings.  Consider the power of feelings to make the face turn red when we are either embarrassed, shocked or surprised.  Consider the power of thought when we think we can do something but all that is visible would tell us we can't.  This inner power we possess is possessed by all.  Unfortunately not everyone is aware that it is a power.  And not realizing our power causes us to use words like luck, competition and regrets.  It also causes us to be conditioned to accept so much that is mere opinion and to give power to people, places and things.  No one, no place and no thing has any power over us unless we give it to them or it.  This is our truth and the truth for all even if they are not aware of it.

             Early in my study of metaphysics I often heard and read the statement
"argue for your limitations and they're yours."  This is the truth.  Many people go on and on about the dis-eases of their ancestral families; this can be about physical, emotional and financial dis-ease.  It is a belief that heredity has power to create conditions in our life experience without our consent.  This is not true even though the collective belief in heredity is very powerful in our culture.  It is one of those "world opinions" that is not so easy to live after.  The belief in hereditary dis-eases have caused so many people to attract physical dis-ease, emotional disorders and even financial failures.

             Let's go back to the words that limit us; luck, competition, regret.  There are more but these are probably the top three.  The belief in luck carries with it a denial of universal order and the law of attraction.  Especially when it comes to the Lotteries that are so popular, most people believe that those who win were "lucky" or at least "luck" had something to do with it.  However, no one knows what is in the subjective mind of another and for the most part we don't know that much of our own subjective mind until something shows up in the visible and lets us know.  The belief in competition has caused so many people to fail and even to try to do things.  No one gets what is ours.  This is a universal, eternal, omnipresent law of the universe.  So competition is a man-made "opinion" that has caused many a person doubt their ability to achieve their goals and dreams.  And lastly, regrets.  How can we regret anything that has made us what we are today?  We are today the sum total of our experiences and our actions and reactions to our experiences.  Regret is a block to our progress, to our happiness and to our successful living.  Regret nothing and we will have nothing to regret seems like a trite statement but it is a true one.

             I ask that each of you take a good look at the "inner you" ... that is the you that you can't see in the mirror.  Think about your feelings about your life; about your thoughts about who you are and where you ... not just your address or your position or your financial condition ... but where you are in Spirit.  Are you enjoying something every day.  Do you laugh out loud often or never?  Do you feel good when you wake up in the morning?  Do you feel good when you go to bed at night?  If not, undo the voodoo that causes you to compare (competition) your life to others; undo the voodoo that causes you to feel regret.  Undo the voodoo that has caused you to believe in luck ... and instead believe in yourself!

Keep the Faith!
Henry Lee Bates
(Reverend Dr.)


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The Way to a Wonderful Life / Reverend Dr. Henry Lee Bates
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