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The Way to a Wonderful Life Message for August 17,  2014

           As we continue to focus on "prosperity" for the month of August, 2014, I know that as we take a look at different ideas from different teachers who understood and demonstrated the Principle of Prosperity, we shall find our own way or the right idea, that will give us an avenue in which to realize a more prosperous and joy-filled life experience.

        I am going to begin this week's message on prosperity with these words from Joel Goldsmith's book, "Invisible Supply":  "... principle of supply is that in our oneness with God, we already have all that the Father has because "I and the Father are one and all that the Father has is mine." If we individually are experiencing a lack, it is not because of any actual lack. It is because of our inability to make contact with our supply.
            In my writings you have seen the reminder that throughout the Great Depression there was no lack in this country. If anything, there was a greater abundance than ever before. Certainly there was a greater abundance of crops, of fish in the oceans, birds in the air, lumber in the forests, grains in warehouses, in barns, and in fields and gardens. This great abundance was not only omnipresent in God; it was actually omnipresent in storehouses and warehouses, in barns and in fields. There was no lack! If any of us suffered from a lack or insufficiency, it was not because there was an actual condition of lack. It was because we were not in tune with the source of supply; we did not have access to the infinite supply."  

         It takes little time or effort to find evidence of the truth that Joel Goldsmith is referring to.  There is a great abundance at hand all around us no matter where we may be.  How we see our self in relationship to this abundance will always determine how much of it is available for our own personal use.  And for the majority of us, this relationship is established in great part by our relationship with G-d, Infinite Spirit.  There is no happiness that is greater than the realization that we have "connected" with G-d and through this connection we have created through our consciousness the answer to a our prayers.  

This is from the wisdom of Mary Baker Eddy titledDemonstrating Supply - "It must be remembered that what Jesus did is within the reach of anyone who attains the same degree of spiritual understanding. In feeding the multitude, walking on the water, healing the sick, and raising the dead he was proving the allness of Spirit. That spiritual law is the law of annihilation to the false beliefs opposed to Spirit, as manifested through human consciousness. He established the fact of one consciousness, the consciousness of Spirit. In this consciousness there is no scarcity, no object or thing through which it can operate, and no law to support or sustain a claim of scarcity. He established the fact that the belief about gravitation could not operate as a law to prevent him from being where he ought to be. He proved the omnipresence of infinite Life. He proved that individual life could not be destroyed, because it is the manifestation of everlasting Life, God.
       When his disciples would send the multitude away because of their belief in the scarcity of food he took what they had; fed the five thousand to the extent of their needs, and gathered up the remnants, even more than the original supply at hand.
       You must understand, just as Jesus did, that this material world and the material body are beliefs. Mind, Spirit, which is God, is the only substance and the only supply; and that this supply is infinite and omnipresent.
        The idea of God as infinite, omnipresent supply appeals to you because it is your instinctive desire, as His idea, to have and to possess it. You seek God and you find man: because man is idea, reflecting Mind. You would not find man by seeking man; and so while your instinctive desire for supply is natural, you cannot find supply by seeking it in matter. You must get supply by seeking God - Spirit; as you find God - Spirit - you have substance - supply. It has no relationship to materiality and cannot be associated with it in any way, because supply is idea. As used in Christian Science, idea is not the idea of or about something. It is the fact. God, Mind, expresses His infinite Being in ideas. Ideas are imperishable, tangible, present, real. Even from a human standpoint, ideas are everywhere, all of the time. To illustrate: two times two is four where you are now. You make a long journey to China . You do not have to send two times two is four there for your use upon arrival. It is there now before you start, and it will be there upon your return.
        The divine fact is that supply is idea in divine Mind; it is infinite, imperishable, tangible, real, present. It is where you, God's child, are all the time. You have it now, but you must claim it. Your understanding and application of that divine fact operates as an immutable law upon the human sense of mind and body, and fear, doubt, anxiety lest your supply become limited and exhausted will abate. You are demonstrating supply. You are proving that "Science reverses the false testimony of the physical senses, and by this reversal mortals arrive at the fundamental facts of being."
(Science and Health, p. 120)

       Perhaps I am a simple minded person but I really appreciated the illustration that Mary Baker Eddy used regarding the principle of supply and the immutable and universally available principle of mathematics.  It is through reasoning in our mind that we arrive at an acceptance of a higher truth.  Even the primitive people of ancient times realized that we must use the Intelligence of G-d within our mind to reason ourselves out of every dilemma back to the truth that with G-d we are free to accept, to believe and to receive the good desires of our hearts.

        For a short while the ancient "Prayer of Jabez" was very popular.  But like so many things in our modern culture, time becomes the enemy to so many and they have ceased to use this amazing statement of principle to condition their mind for the larger and the greater experience of life.  Jabez called upon the God of Israel, saying,
“Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from harm so that it might not bring me pain!” And God granted what he asked. (I Chronicles 4:10)  We each have a prayer within us of a similar nature.  Why?  Because as Mary Baker Eddy stated so absolutely,
The idea of God as infinite, omnipresent supply appeals to you because it is your instinctive desire, as His idea, to have and to possess it."   ... and we each can connect with this invisible supply with faith and persistence ... we can because others have ... and what one can do, all can do.


Keep the faith!
. Henry Bates

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