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  • G-d is Absolute Good, everywhere present.
  • Every human being is an expression of the divine; the Christ Spirit, by whatever name, indwells all people. Their very essence is of G-d, and therefore they are also inherently good.

  • Human beings create their experience by the activity of their thinking. Everything in the manifest realm has its beginning in thought.

  • Prayer is creative thinking that heightens the connection with G-d-mind and therefore brings forth wisdom, healing, prosperity and everything good.

  • Knowing and understanding the laws of life, also called Truth, are not enough. A person must also live the Truth that he or she knows.

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Weekly Message for May 9, 2021


            We are living in period where facts and science are being rejected by far too many people due to political and religious nonsense. We are intelligent beings. When we reject Intelligence, we are rejecting that which formed our life and endowed us with the ability to choose what we will accept in our life experience and what we will reject. We cannot reject intelligence and believe that we shall have a good life, a prosperous life, or a joyful life. The Intelligence that formed our life does not correspond to nonsense.     

      We are already experiencing our thoughts and beliefs, but we may not be choosing them consciously and actively directing them to something specific in a definite way.  It is not that difficult to do ... but we must begin to do it or we may find something within our thinking that believes that it is difficult, or hard.  We have been endowed with the ability to do all things with grace and ease, but we must connect with the Ultimate of Grace, Intelligence, consciously in our mind and our thoughts about the things that concern us; that is, our success, our prosperity, our health, and happiness.  We have the power within us to do this because we are part of Intelligence; we think and we reason, so therefore we are part of the Intelligence that is forever expanding through creation. This expansion of Intelligence is constantly changing, and we are changing with It whether we are consciously aware of this or not.

           Many of us go through life consciously or unconsciously with prejudice. Webster’s Dictionary defines prejudice as this:
preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.  This may be a prejudice based on race, religion, class, education, educated people, and a myriad of things. It is what prevents us from realizing a greater influx of the Intelligence necessary to live our best life.

               Let’s look at these words from Horatio Dresser:  "There are few discoveries in regard to the human mind of more consequence than the revelation which shows the power of prejudice.  Some might say that it is more important to become aware of the power of fear, or to awaken to the influence and scope of suggestion.  But oftentimes a man's prejudices are far more deeply rooted than his fears, and to show him the power of suggestion you must show him that his life is narrowed by his preconceptions.  One may be aware of fear and may be valiantly at work to overcome it, but the peculiarity of a prejudice is that one is unconscious of it.  To discover that one is prejudiced is forthwith to see that in the respect in question one stands absolutely in one's own light."

  The important thing we want to take from these words is “the peculiarity of a prejudice is that one is unconscious of it.”
  Recently I had a conversation with a man who assumed I was a Christian minister. When I told him that I teach a spiritual philosophy that is not religious but offers benefit to those of any and all religions. His tone quickly changed as did the subject. He revealed his prejudice. His mind was closed down quickly in response to his prejudice against any spiritual/religious teaching that was not aligned with his own. When I told someone, I know about this conversation, they asked why I didn’t press my philosophy further with him and perhaps he would have liked what I had to say. My response was that I am not a salesman, I am a teacher. This man wasn’t ready for what I teach, his change in  tone made that very apparent, and should I have pressed it, I would have been in the wrong. We are all entitled to be and to know, what we are ready for, and no more.

             This is why it is imperative that we seek Intelligence. We all have prejudices, blocks, obstructions, etc. in our mind, that we are not conscious of. Intelligence tells us; that which you are seeking is seeking you. As we open our mind to Intelligence, we can realize this is so.

Keep the Faith!
(Reverend Dr. Henry Lee Bates)

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The Way to a Wonderful Life / Reverend Dr. Henry Lee Bates
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