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The Way to a Wonderful Life, Sunday, March 3, 2013 

Listen to the Radio Broadcast of this Message:  click here
            It is my great desire that each of us learn to awaken the dormant consciousness of prosperity within us.  If you are new to these messages I strongly suggest that you read the Sunday messages for the two weeks prior to this or go to YouTube.com and listen to the audio/videos of those messages.  The intention behind these messages is to "develop  prosperous consciousness" which includes happiness and all of joy of being in the spirit of prosperity.

           If we are not experiencing happiness every day then we are not experiencing prosperity.  And this is true of those who have little money and those who are tremendously wealthy.  Prosperity and happiness are synonymous and this is a truth that is very evident in the world in which we live.  I am reminded of the quote from the beautiful and talented Country Western singer-songwriter, Tammy Wynette, "money don't buy happiness but it sure takes the edge off misery" ... and at the time she said this she was quite wealthy and famous and knew what she was talking about.  And many people are willing to compromise and have wealth without happiness, but the feeling of being prosperous eludes them and so the "being rich" is never quite as rich as one would expect.  Prosperity being of the Spirit, follows the spiritual of cause and effect or as the Master Mind Jesus so simply stated the law; "as you sow, so shall you reap."  And this powerful principle is as true today as it was in Jesus' time and in the centuries before him.

          The following story from Ruthanna Schenck's book, rings true for me as something very similar happened in my own personal experience: 
"A wealthy young man greatly admired a young woman.  He could well have afforded to give her real jewels had he so desired; however, he knew that she did not know the difference between paste diamonds and real ones, so he sent her an ornament of paste diamonds.  The girl valued the gift very much, not because of its supposed material value, but because it came from the young man, for whom she had great respect.  She never learned that the gift had almost no material value.  Years passed and she and the young man ceased to communicate with each other.  The young man suffered a financial loss and became needy.  The young woman heard of his need and was glad of an opportunity to help him, so she sent him the paste jewels.  Truly what a person gives out comes back to him." <Ruthanna Schenck, Be Ye Prospered (1928)>  

          We can never receive more than we are willing to give.  In this story of the young man, we realize that he had the urge to give to the young woman.  But, what we don't know is what compelled him to "withhold" from her the real gift of diamonds and instead make the fake substitute.  Most likely this was not a single incident but a "habit" that had become fastened to his consciousness.  As we look to the spiritual law for our guide, we know that this "withholding" eventually created wealth being withheld from him.  The spiritual law is so simple, yet so easily dismissed when our unconscious habits begin to rule through our mind.  And to stress the point that I want to make in this message, being prosperous is more than having money.  Money misused, can bring us a misery that we may not expect.

      Some people tithe to their church or favorite charity or charities believing that tithing alone with secure their prosperity and happiness.  For those who give from the joy of giving this is true.  But, for those who are using their tithes as a way in which to draw more money to them; that is, using the law without love, the money may show up, but the happiness of feeling prosperous will not.  We cannot manipulate spiritual laws.  We are living in Omnipresent Intelligence ... all-knowing Intelligence.  As the Master Mind Jesus informed us:  "Father, I know that you heareth me always" ... and this includes me and you too.  Jesus used the term "Father" to define the Spirit, Life and Truth that is the Cause of all things.  When we abandon the truth for any purpose, we are turning our good upside down.

        Let's look at some more wisdom from Ruthanna Schenck: 
"Prosperity ... does not come through giving alone.  Giving is only half the law; the other half is receiving. ... The true way of receiving your good is to refrain from resisting it.  ... Learn this one truth and so impress it upon your mind that it will automatically come forth to help you at any time of need.  The truth is one given by /the Master Mind Jesus/:  "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."  Let those words be the warp on which you weave the woof of your life, and never shall you know sorrow or hunger, or lack of any good thing."


Keep the faith!
. Henry Bates

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