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  • G-d is Absolute Good, everywhere present.
  • Every human being is an expression of the divine; the Christ Spirit, by whatever name, indwells all people. Their very essence is of G-d, and therefore they are also inherently good.

  • Human beings create their experience by the activity of their thinking. Everything in the manifest realm has its beginning in thought.

  • Prayer is creative thinking that heightens the connection with G-d-mind and therefore brings forth wisdom, healing, prosperity and everything good.

  • Knowing and understanding the laws of life, also called Truth, are not enough. A person must also live the Truth that he or she knows.

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Weekly Message for January 12, 2020



                   We cannot believe in our prayer to any great degree unless we are confident in our ability to realize the results of our prayer. In the writings of Ernest Holmes we find the term "mental equivalent" which we must possess before we realize the thing.  We cannot demonstrate/manifest that which we cannot embody; i.e. can we demonstrate being the CFO of a financial institution without understanding the rules of accounting or the regulations of the tax code?  Of course not.  Effective prayer/spiritual treatment/meditation, is practical not fantastical.

                Every form of prayer begins first with "recognition" ... without the recognition that there is a Higher Power, there would be no impulse within us to pray.  Yet, how we recognize this Higher Power, G-d, is individual and personal to each of us.  The way in which G-d is defined has changed for most of us.  Isaiah revealed that G-d is Omnipresent ... everywhere present ... and Omnipotent ... all power ... and Omniscient ... all knowing [Intelligence].  The Master Mind Jesus revealed that we are a part of G-d; part of this Power, Spirit and Intelligence.  He stated that not only were we One with G-d, but as we discover this power, spirit and intelligence within us and "identify" with It ... we can "use" this power, spirit and intelligence to draw into our experience the abundant life.  In our contemporary language we call this using the Law of Attraction ... in the ancient scriptures it is simply defined as "sowing and reaping" ... or "as" you believe, so it is done unto you.  In other words, we always experience how we see the world and our relationship to it.

                     Can we say with absolute certainty, "I believe in my prayer and the answer to it"?  Are we "believing" and "receiving" or is our "receiving" falling short of our "believing"?  The mystical Emma Curtis Hopkins, referred to as the "teacher of teachers" taught that "persistence" is a spiritual principle and through our persistence our prayers/meditations assume power.  We must be "conscious" of our persistence for if we fail to be persistent then we may realize that what we were praying for we not longer desire to the degree that we are willing to do the work to achieve it.  Then we must let it go and work for the thing that we now desire with persistence.

                   How do we define this "Power Greater than we are" ... or this "Higher Power" ... or simply the "Power" of G-d?  We can't "identify with" and "use" something that we can't define for ourselves.  Thinking about this word "Power" ... let us look at the story of David and Goliath.  If you are not familiar with the story, Google it.  In this story David was to go up against Goliath who was a "giant of a man" ... far physically superior to David.  David did not look to G-d to make him physically superior to Goliath, but instead looked to G-d for the right way [Intelligence] to defeat Goliath with what he possessed.  He defeated Goliath, not with might, but with the conviction in his mind that G-d was for him.  This is "Power" but not always the way in which we define Power in the world.  To arrive at this measure of conviction, we must "know" what we are "convinced" of.

Keep the Faith!
Henry Lee Bates
(Reverend Dr.)

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The Way to a Wonderful Life / Reverend Dr. Henry Lee Bates
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